the shop dogs
"...customer service has gone to the dogs!!!"

...our senior sales manager, tofu, is always ready to assist you in finding that ideal item. tofu's responsibilities include recruiting and training new employees, along with store supervision and quality control. tofu oversees pricing and restocking, along with sales and marketing strategy. tofu enjoys fur coats, real leather shoes, sunny patches of floor, long naps, and biscuits.
...our senior sales manager, tofu, is always ready to assist you in finding that ideal item. tofu's responsibilities include recruiting and training new employees, along with store supervision and quality control. tofu oversees pricing and restocking, along with sales and marketing strategy. tofu enjoys fur coats, real leather shoes, sunny patches of floor, long naps, and biscuits.

...our part time sales associate, stewie (as we know him), dandy style expert, is responsible for sales activities, greeting customers, restocking, and mayhem, as needed. stewie is shy but has a unique eye for matching styles to fit each of our clients. stewie enjoys MeTV, mid-day snacks at all hours, adult conversation, and mannequin mondays.
...our part time sales associate, stewie (as we know him), dandy style expert, is responsible for sales activities, greeting customers, restocking, and mayhem, as needed. stewie is shy but has a unique eye for matching styles to fit each of our clients. stewie enjoys MeTV, mid-day snacks at all hours, adult conversation, and mannequin mondays.

...our junior sales associate, marshmallow greets customers with kindness and support. marshmallow is responsible for cute factor, greeting customers, answering questions, and offering advice on current events and all things marvel universe. marshmallow enjoys hot coffee, jaunty hats, and belly rubs.
...our junior sales associate, marshmallow greets customers with kindness and support. marshmallow is responsible for cute factor, greeting customers, answering questions, and offering advice on current events and all things marvel universe. marshmallow enjoys hot coffee, jaunty hats, and belly rubs.

...our newest intern, potato enjoys take breaks and taking selfies. we're not quite sure what potato actually does at this point but, he certainly adds another smiling face to our staff!
...our newest intern, potato enjoys take breaks and taking selfies. we're not quite sure what potato actually does at this point but, he certainly adds another smiling face to our staff!